Consumer Metrics InstituteSM
Daily Financial Index

See sample 48-Week Trailing 91-Day Percentile Chart available only to Members:


"Bringing the measurements of critical economic activities into the twenty-first century by
mining tracking data for an understanding of what American consumers were doing yesterday."

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Last 10 Financial Index Values

 Note: The Financial Index tracks consumer interest in consumer investment opportunities, including mutual funds, stocks, bonds, annuities, insurance, banks and credit unions. Interest in services related to the banking and financial industries (including securities brokerage, consumer loans and credit reporting) can also be found in this index. The Financial Index also responds inversely to concerns that consumers have expressed about potential credit card defaults or foreclosures.



 Note: A more complete list of historical commentary can be found on our History Page ...

Financial Sector 52-Week Sub-Indexes

 52-Week Sub-Indexes Available on Members Page: 
     Personal Finance 52-Week Sub-Index Chart 
     Mutual Funds 52-Week Sub-Index Chart 
     Tax Information 52-Week Sub-Index Chart 
     Financial Press 52-Week Sub-Index Chart 
     Brokerage Houses 52-Week Sub-Index Chart 
     Banking 52-Week Sub-Index Chart 
See sample Sector Sub-Index Charts available only to Members:

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